
Saturday, June 28, 2003

Okay So I didn't write anything yestarday which was a fucking awesome and awfull day,.....let me write about it. First after all the usual week days me and my brother picked up Carlos and headed to Red Lobster, yes I've cheated again, on my diet..... I had ummm key lime pie...and a biscuit I know it seems small but those are two thing I cannot eat!!! but I was there....and ya know it's been a month one day ain't gonna kill me :) Other than that...we saw a house...got home @ 1:30 there was this crazy trucker guy on the highway...honking REALLY close we thought he was going to hit us...so he turned one way and we turned another and then....he made a u-turn lol my brother put 911 on speed dial cause he was going to follow us thank god he was so far behind. OKAY here is the part that pisses me off. I have a friend named...J...and we talk to his friend T...she's cool..so anyways we are all on triple line last night and suddenly..he "supposly" get's the phone taken away from by this ASSHOLE friend he has named..I dunno really. So he starts cursing @ us..calling us bitches, lesbo's and everything else you could think of and we are just asking him to put J back on... and last time we did cause we were iggy-ing him...he fucking says...ok I'll give you 5 seconds to talk or im hanging up...mind you the guys are laughing in the background I HEAR them. So we let it pass and both of us hang up. So I call him or actually he does and I tell him your friends are fucking idiot's and he is like don't talk my friends like that...and I'm like why not it's true and I tell him everything he says and he's like I can't take the phone away from a drunk person...and I'm like yeah ok right, I can if it was the other way around but you can't? don't matter to me much anyways cause I don't have looser friends! so we both hang up, so I really love my cousins entry about getting rid of shit in your life cause that's what im going to do. Starting by changing my phone number and giving only to my REAL friends and creditors. that's what happend any comments? lol l8


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