Ohhh I feel much better now. I guess all I needed was some robitussin that stuff works miracles. Around 3am last night I started breathing and now I'm 98% better. I still cough on occassion and maybe some stuffiness but I'm outta there!!! I can finally get outta this house I've been so cramped!! I wanna go to the office I wanna be out there! Alot of people contributed to me feeling better, the gurls who visited my blog and gave me hopeful wishes and soggy imaginary soups thank you
chippy who called to check up and I gave him my cold through the phone lol thank you and Carlos for staying up and talking to me even if I was grumpy or just couldn't be understood, thank you! I love you guys
I couldn't ask for better friends! Now that I feel better I think I will move upstairs and go see the matrix whatever I just wanna get outta here this wkend! but for now im looking online for a tv...I'm also going to get a digicam!! so I could take pics and post em hee hee!
so that's my update for today hee hee

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