
Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Total Bitch.    Youuse others to do your dirty work. Only when you absolutely have to, you taint your hands. That's not very often. You need to calm down...a LOT. People aren't there
TRUE BITCHYou have great balance and know when it is a good
time to bitch and when not to. You get the
respect you deserve and you know it! You don't
over-do the bitchyness. Go you!

(results contain pictures) What type of bitch are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

God I feel like so crappy today. I've had kinda of a flu/cold all day. And it rained like hell all day. Right now I just took some nyquil to see if I can knock myself out and not feel shitty in the dream world I mean I cough and it hurts lol maybe I'm a freak I need lo-ve, where is it?! lol I need a hug, some flowers a show of affection lol (don't take offense chippy) your enough for me :p then when I do meet you I want a lovefest....l8


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