
Friday, April 25, 2003

::::::::Yawn:::::::::: Just woke up, and I have to write shit in here hee hee. I don't like confronting people on here because I consider this a "peaceful place" but if that's how they choose to confront me, I guess it comes hand in hand. BTW, thanks for the "Miss cool" comment I know I'm cool that's what all my friends say hee hee let's see in the bible they said hmmm oh im sorry I don't have all the scriptures memorized. ouch. Connie, I said I wanted to drop it, guess you didn't want to being like 12 years older then me I thought you'd be more mature hmmm but "Older" doesn't always equal wiser ;).....:::wrong:: anyways I just won't pass the ball to you at recess hee hee better things to do..that's all I have to say. l8


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