
Friday, September 12, 2003

Whats new?! Well hurricane Isabel, a power Cat5 hurricane, the last hurricane I went though was Andrew which statistically:Andrew destroyed settlements in the Bahamas and wiped out homes and businesses in southern Miami-Dade County before slamming into Louisiana two days later. Forty-three deaths were blamed on Andrew in the United States. It destroyed 126,000 homes, left 180,000 people homeless and with a $30 billion damage toll, it remains the most expensive natural disaster in U.S. history.The last two Category 5 hurricanes to strike the U.S. coast were Andrew in 1992 and Camille in 1969. Oh 43 deaths my foot, they forgot to count ALL of the immagrants living out in homestead so let's put the number more like thousands! I saw people at home depot buying supplies last night, so it is very much real. If it hits who knows if I will be around to write 10 more entries, I can't believe I just said that but that's life. When andrew hit, I slept though the whole hurricane. I have enough faith though to know I will be ok. But this I do remember even though they where the same strength Andrew was a whole lot bigger I should know...it took up almost all of fla. In other news, I have my "p" yes gurls you know what I'm talking about... I don't mind it just cause the b-l-o-o-d clots are bothering the shit outta me. I'm watching storm stories as if im getting reading or something. I get my new dsl modem tommorow :) it's small, and has a built in router so im always online which is totally awesome, im gonna go buy some stuff now, I just want to say that all the information on the hurricanes came from WSVN 7 our local news station...well l8


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